
6th Awards Cycle

Open Registration

Facts and numbers

About the program


Engaging in global rain enhancement collaboration through 45 research institutes.


Worldwide stakeholders engaged to drive water security solutions, involving 720 researchers.

Million in Grants

Funding awarded since 2016, supporting 208 researchers in rain enhancement science.


Recognized for research excellence across 9 countries.

Published Articles

Research publications with over 2150 citations, advancing rain enhancement science.


Pioneering patents in rain enhancement, contributing to over 113 conference proceedings.


Projects and awardees

Thrust Areas


How we achieve our vision

Engaging global stakeholders to build awareness and collaboration on rain enhancement.
Pioneering scientific studies and innovations that support rain enhancement science.
Developing technologies and methodologies to enhance the effectiveness of cloud seeding.

Latest News

Activities and Research updates

One-on-one with Our UAEREP 5th Cycle Awardees:  Dr. Guillaume Matras, Directed Energy Research Center (DERC) at Technology Innovation Institute (TII)
One-on-one with Our UAEREP 5th Cycle Awardees: Dr. Guillaume Matras, Directed Energy Research Center (DERC) at Technology Innovation Institute (TII)

Dive into this one-on-one interview with Dr. Matras, who discusses his unique rain enhancement project, ‘Laser-based rain triggering demonstrator with remote sensing technology’, being awarded a 5th Cycle grant by UAEREP, and more. 

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Rain Enhancement: A Catalyst for Climate and Environmental Resilience

Article by Alya Al Mazrouei, Director of UAEREP 

In the face of escalating climate change and increasing water scarcity, rain enhancement technologies, such as cloud seeding, have emerged as innovative solutions aimed at bolstering our water supplies. However, the benefits of rain enhancement extend far beyond water security. While this technology's primary objective is to increase precipitation and secure water resources, its implications for climate resilience, agriculture, combatting pollution, and as a supplement to existing water technologies are unique and multifaceted.

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Cloudseeding: Advancing Science in an Age of Disinformation
Cloudseeding: Advancing Science in an Age of Disinformation

By Dr. Mohammed Mahmoud, Founding Director of the Climate and Water Program at the Middle East Institute

To the general public, the concept of cloudseeding probably seems akin to science-fiction.

A notion that is bolstered by entertainment media propagating the erroneous idea that humans can directly control the climate (such as the 2017 movie Geostorm that emphasized this fictional overestimation of our relationship with weather). This fantasy-like interpretation of actual cloudseeding persists despite the fact that cloudseeding has been in practice for over fifty years in more than a dozen countries. 

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Exploratory Meeting between NCM-UAEREP and University of Washington Marine Cloud Brightening Program

This past month, the UAEREP-NCM Research team met with the University of Washington’s Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) Program team to discuss the MCB program’s recent demonstration of the Cloud Aerosol Research Instrument (CARI).

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Warmer Months Ahead: Water Conservation Tips

As summer fast approaches in the UAE, it's important to be mindful of our water usage. Living in an arid desert climate, where water is a precious resource, conservation becomes paramount. The UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science (UAEREP) is dedicated to promoting sustainability and water security through rain enhancement research and funding, but there are things you can do, too! Here are some practical water conservation tips to help you navigate through the hot summer months responsibly.

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